Vehicles Disinfection / Decontamination showers (Biosecurity for production sites)

Biosecurity on poultry farms has become a major issue, particularly in view of the number and frequency of epidemic outbreaks (epizootics), which result in substantial operating losses, excessive use of antibiotics, restrictions on consumption and export with an impact on meat prices, not to mention the media coverage, which is all the more damaging as these diseases can sometimes cross the species barrier and end up infecting humans (zoonoses).

 In addition to protection against contamination by wildlife, parasites, etc., it is important to ensure that vehicles (including tires) are properly disinfected, and that personnel entering a site are not an additional vector of contamination*.

*Transport can be a major biological risk factor in the spread of pathogens, whether viruses such as those responsible for avian flu or Newcastle disease, bacteria such as salmonella, or parasites. According to the FAO, 90% of the avian flu virus is spread by vehicles, equipment and people.

Advantages of Dosatron Technology

The Dosatron proportional dosing pump ensures simple and accurate dosing of disinfectants/detergents in accordance with the approval standards for the various disinfectants (including compliance with the correct dosing and minimum contact time).

The dosage will remain constant regardless of variations in the flow rate and pressure of the water.

Dosatron technology is easy to install and use (since there is no need for an electrical connection at the site entrance) and is the perfect solution for ensuring accurate dosing of detergents and disinfectants, whether they are sprayed manually (with a spray lance) or via a drive-through disinfection tunnel or arch (+ wheel bath) installed at the entrances for vehicles and personnel.

The self-priming Dosatron pump ensures consistent dilution and makes it easy to read & adjust the dosing percentage. It can run empty (without additives) without any risk of damage and is quick and easy to service and maintain.

Recommended Installation for Vehicle Disinfection

vehicle disinfection recommended installation

  1. Dosatron D3 or D9 ranges are recommanded according to the mawimum water flow of the spraying (nozzles or spray gun) or filling (foot or wheel bath ) systems. Dosing percentage from 0.03% up to 10% are available with speacial seals and pump carter materials depending on the chemical type.
  2. 300 micron filter.
  3. Pressure reducer
  4. Bypass valves.
  5. 1 Valve or tap after the Dosatron (fast priming / flushing / testing).
  6. Disinfectant drum.

Tips for installing, Using & Maintaining your Dosatron

  • Install a 300 micron filter before the dosing pump.
  • If installed on a drinking water main line, the installation shall comply with the applicable disconnection standards (back-flow prevention system such as Class B disconnectors...).
  • Always rinse with clear water before replacing the detergent / disinfectant.
  • Calculate your maximum spray water flow rate (this depends on the number of nozzles & the flow rate of each nozzle) to select the appropriate Dosatron range.
  • Remember to change the dosing pump injection seals at least once a year.
  • Please contact us for the chemical compatibility of the additives used with the different Dosatron models (Additive safety data sheet).

Recommended Dosing Pumps for This Application

  • D3RE5AF - D3RE2AF - D3RE10AF
    > Perfect for spraying alkaline detergent-disinfectants on vehicles at a maximum flow rate of 50 l/min (do not use acidic disinfectants as they are very corrosive to vehicles).
  • D3RE5VF - D3RE2VF - D3RE10VF
    > Perfect for spraying more acidic disinfectants (on wheels/tyres only) at a maximum flow rate of 50 l/min.
  • D3TRE5HTAFP - D3TRE10HTAFP High temperature (New!)
    > Ideal for hot water alcaline detergents (70°C max.) at flow rates of up to 50 l/min.
  • D8RE5AF - D8RE2AF
    > Perfect for alkaline detergent-disinfectants sprayed through truck disinfection tunnels or arches at a maximum flow rate of 133 l/min.