Current Region: Global (ZH)
SmartDosing+ 可与电脑、控制器或独立安装的设备连接,适应您的养殖配置,让您能够实时监控通过饮用水进行的所有处理。
您希望跟踪并确保您的动物接受治疗?您是否关心饮用水处理的质量和可追溯性?我们诚挚地邀请您访问我们的专门网站SmartDosing.dosatron.com ,了解有关 SmartDosing+ 的更多信息:演示视频、新闻报道、推荐信等......
SmartDosing+ (SD25AL5N) 基于D25AL5N 配料泵的功能。
* SmartDosing+ 可在全球范围内使用。请与我们联系,详细了解贵国的供应情况。
- The very last generation of our Animal Health Line hydraulic dosing pump : the D25AL5N, equiped with sensors.
- The patented Dosatron monitoring module, managed by a microprocessor and associated to a pulse water meter allowing a double control of water consumtion as well as a diagnosis of the proper functioning of the dosing pump.
- The SmartDosing+ to computer cable (USB port).
- The SmartLink+ software, allowing you to track and analyse your treatment data, to feed your breeding book and ensure the proper operation of your dosing pump.
用于 pH 值不超过 9 的添加剂的密封件