The Evolution of Dosie

Dosie: The Evolution of Icon

Some of you have already met Dosie, if you haven't, here's Dosie's story!

It all started when a Dosatron marketing team member came up with a drawing that resembled the D14 Series injectors as a character. Everyone liked it, and Dosie began to appear in our e-newsletters and on the website.

To bring Dosie to life, a "stress doll" was developed from the drawings and now Dosie pops up on social media, in photos and videos, hiding in our customer's installations.

We even turned Dosie into a tradeshow costume, but soon discovered that it was hot inside and challenging for the model to wear. So the Dosie costume was retired to our office.

Dosie has many personalities and wears many different hats, and outfits. It appears in social media, and at trade shows as a cardboard cutout. It has been a cowboy, cowgirl, hipster, cool dude, Zen master, skateboarder, bunny rabbit, and all-around athlete.

Check out Dosie's evolution below and be sure to keep an eye out for Dosie on our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram pages. You can also find Dosie on our YouTube Channel.

Experience the Evolution of Dosie

If you have questions about Dosie or our line of Dosatron chemical injectors, call 1-800-523-8499 or CHAT with us.